Friday, December 7, 2012

ICC reflection (pragmatics competence)
note: Kyle upload my teaching video on his google+

Reflection about ICC final micro teaching for the preview & presentation stage.

(Note: I amended my lesson plan here, this reflection is different what I did in ICC class.)
Concept of the lesson: I would like to teach novice low students what is another meaning of spoken language?  Real goal of TL is meaningful communication. Sometime indirect TL communication makes misunderstandable. For this lesson, how the usage of back channel cues related Korean cultural norms give the listener different impression or interactivity during their conversation.

 I'm starting question with where are you going this Christmas holidays? This is TD question to elicit 2 listening about the vacation. Students talked about their vacation plans before we started actual listening parts. It was quite short minute to ask each other.
*change little bit this part: Show them pictures related holidays activity like hiking, skiing, shopping, visiting family and ect. Talk to your partner about your plan where are you going this holidays. After this pair work, student will listen two listening.

a) listening part 1: Ss will be listening conversation they are just reading, no intonation, no back channel cues like great, interesting, oh, yes, ect. Two people are just reading like a book.
b) listening part2: Ss will be listening conversation they are listening the conversation they are speaking with back channel cues, and intonation.

Student will feel and hear big differences between those two conversation. This is my objective of this listening activity. Student will be learning how much they are transferring Korean cultural norms to L2 languages from the 2 listening examples.  Background channel cues and intonations are  examples of my lesson. English has intonations, gesture, face expression, and use many face muscles as much as they can.  People here use L1 actor as examples, they have many face expression when they speak in a movie. S

Student activity: Student will be checking the exercise sheet. How  was speaker's rate of speech, stress, intonation, tone of voices, fade in & out, breathing, background channel cues, and etc. Those compounds makes the language more natural and sound like a real conversation.
* change: Student will be completed the worksheet in a small group. They will compare how does the sound different and why does the sound different.
Student will be completed where do I insert background cues activity in a small group.

Any thoughts related Morn's framework? (How student understand culture using Morans' frame.)
1. knowing about: listening 2 conversation Big C
2. how: Listening activity (worksheet), Ss will know using background channel cues are more interactive.
3. Why: Why do we evaluate our voice? Small C
4. Oneself: Do Ss understand this lesson, checking their worksheet.
Do they take this L1 norm or refuse?----- personal option
What's C1 and C2 difference? or common?--------- same function and one reason (communication), difference
 Why does it happen? -------------- transfer own cultural norm, belief, and old habit to new culture which is L2.
5. My own question ----------- To acquire more deeply L2, do we change our own thought to TL culture  as well? It maybe very hard to change.

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